

Today morning as I was driving back from the bus stop after dropping my son, a thought was planted in my mind. It was a simple but powerful thought and I was guided to share it with my soul tribe. So here I am sharing the wisdom of my Spirit Team with you, the one who needs this message the most.

So most of my adult life I have struggled with thyroid issues, which more or less has been stable on the inside, but on the outside I have had to struggle with issues like weight gain, hair loss, extra sensitive skin and all to name a few. And as no one is reverse ageing, so clearly with age these issues also start having their own complications and start to show up in more different ways like slowing metabolism, irregular periods, weight gain and all.

And while I have mostly tried to be conscious by taking care of these by getting regular blood work done, having my meds on time, trying to be active and agile as much as possible, my body on the outside would be perceived as maybe not taken care of. Just by the looks of it, most would assume I have an unhealthy lifestyle or maybe that I eat too much or sleep all day. ‘Cos the world around is taught to evaluate our bodies by how they look.

As I was driving back, I was thinking how easy it is for people to assume that because my body didn’t conform to the norms set by most people, it is so easy for them to either mock it, or advise me on how I should be doing what and assuming that I am not careful enough with it already.

Which led me to think… that how easily we judge others based on their appearances or who they are without even having the slightest idea about what they might be actually doing or feeling on the inside. Day in and day out we interact with so many people and without even knowing anything about them, we are the quickest to place ourselves on a pedestal and advise or judge them from there.

How did we learn to become so cruel? When did we start becoming so heartless? Even kids as young as 5 or 6 year olds mock/judge others around them. The need to fit in and do how others are doing are creating more bullies than ever.

Think for a moment… how easily you judged another person without having any idea about what they might or might not be going through? Why do you think you had the authority to judge them? Is it because that aspect of your life which they are struggling with seems sorted for you? Or was it because it was too easy to judge rather than trying to maybe understand them, or lend an ear or simply because you lacked EQ to connect with them any other way?

Maybe you aren’t this insensitive person that are projecting yourself to be, or maybe you have been mocked your entire life and this is a defence mechanism that helps you cope up! Whatever it is mocking or judging anyone is the lowest form of human behaviour one can exhibit.

So stop judging people on who they are, how they look, what they wear, where do they work, how do they stay and so many more who’s how’s and where’s.

Today, I would not ask you to be more understanding, more compassionate and have more empathy… but yes what I can request you to be is less cruel, less judgemental and spit less venom and maybe one day this life would seem much less painful for someone somewhere! 🙂

Leave me a HEART if you promise to at least try it from today!

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