Today while sitting in meditation, my Spirit Guides gave me a very interesting perspective on Death. While they were explaining to me how Death, like birth is always a part of the Soul’s plan, we humans always view Death as something tragic and unwelcome.
They emphasised that Humans have a great need to “know” everything and what they don’t “know” is what they dislike or are fearful of. I agreed to their wisdom and encouraged them to go on talking more about it, to understand better as to how come we humans can get over our fear of this word and how can we be more accepting of it?
My guides said they would like to address death as an “EXIT” of the soul from the physical realm and with any exit there are always 3 things attached:
- Mode of Exit
- Place of Exit
- Time of Exit
Elaborating further on each of these they said, Mode of Exit is the way in which a soul exits the body. This also is something that is already a part of the Soul’s plan. There are some souls who like to exit in groups, and these would mostly be a group of people who die in an air crash or a bus accident, a building collapse and so on and so forth.
Some souls would choose their mode of exit as a way to settle off their karma. These would be the ones mostly choosing to suffer through long illnesses like cancer or coma patients, where the body continues to deteriorate and seemingly is in a lot of pain, but the soul continues to be attached to it.
The guides told us to remember that the Master Soul is in control of all the incarnations all the time. Even the seemingly painful physical suffering has a purpose to it, it might be to burn off the pending karma of this lifetime, or the soul might have extended itself in the same manner to the family in a previous lifetime which they are now negating or could be any other reason. Remember suffering is never ever without a reason, and the human need to understand and question everything discards this fact and looks upon physical suffering only as a punishment that a human is going through.
Second is the Place of Exit. Like everything else, this is also pre decided as part of the soul’s plan. The soul will choose, where does it want to cross over from. It might be from the comfort of their own bed, a hospital, a place far away from home, in an airplane, on a train journey, while playing in a field etc.
At this juncture they reminded me of my father’s crossing over and asked me to share that example with you. My father throughout his life, was extremely scared of this word “DEATH” so much so that he even avoided going to neighbour’s houses to pay his last homage to friends and acquaintances.

After being diagnosed with Liver Cancer Stage 4, he also tested positive for Covid in February. This was in the 2nd Wave of Covid, where people in India were struggling to avail the medical infrastructure and we were witnessing huge losses of life all around us. We were fortunate enough to get him admitted to a well known hospital for his Covid treatment and he was also eager to be admitted to not put the other family members at risk.
Because of the Cancer, he was admitted in the Covid ICU and in the next 24 hours, we received multiple desperate calls of help from him, saying that the hospital was overflowing with patients, there was dearth of food, he was surrounded by dead bodies in the ICU, and he just won’t be able to take it any longer. My entire family was extremely scared and we were sure we had done the biggest mistake of our lives, as now with him still being covid positive it was impossible to get him out of the hospital and if he stayed there for a day more he would surely not be able to survive in that environment.
But as we all know, prayers work wonder and miracles do happen. We were able to get him out of the hospital the next day and he was extremely happy to be back home. We were all rejoicing with happiness on him coming back, though he still had cancer and was covid positive. He was brave enough to have faced his worst fear in the face and still chose to not exit.
It was only 5 months later on 16th July, that he chose to make a peaceful exit, while lying in his bed, in his room, in the home that he had built. 🙂
It still surprises all of my family even today and we wonder, what kept him going for those 24 hours in the hospital to not give up and cross over. … and then we think that it was probably the love and comfort of his home and family that he wanted to be with, when he chose to make an exit. So understand the importance of the place that a soul chooses to make an exit from.
The third and the most complained about point is the Time of Exit. We humans always complain of how someone left so early, or how some souls chose to suffer for so many earth years. There is a great need within us to know about the time of Exit and you have to understand that only the Soul gets to decide that. It is part of the free will that we all have been gifted with and many a times we will hear things like, but oh his family was so young, oh he had just been married, or oh she was just a child…. what you don’t understand is that this is exactly what their and your soul had signed up for when you made a contract.
This was always the plan and will be. There is no concept of time in the Spirit World, everything is happening in the now and all these exits are just another discarded costume by the Master Soul. Their purpose of that incarnation was completed and therefore they had to make an exit, and you got into that family or that relationship because your soul needed to learn something from the crossing over of that one in a seemingly early fashion. There should be no blame as there is no punishment in the Exit for either soul, it is simply an exit, a transition from this world to that and that is exactly how it should be viewed.
Before going away, the one thing that they wanted us to leave with was that as humans we have a huge urge to know everything, and if we do have to know something, then know this…..know that your time here is limited, and no matter how hard you try you will never ever be able to find out how much, so what you can do is to start living each moment of this precious life more mindfully, more beautifully with love, compassion and joy, so that when it is time for your exit, there are no regrets that you bring here with you, but only Joy and more joy!