
Connect to your Pets in Heaven - Evidential Pet Mediumship Sessions

The main aim of Animal mediumship is to provide evidence of survival of the animal personality beyond the physical death.Animal Mediumship is a transfer of information from the spirit of a deceased animal via an 'Evidential Medium' to a 'recipient'. An Evidential Medium has the ability to receive information from a communicating spirit and pass on that information. In many respects this will be personal to the recipient of the communication.

The main purpose of mediumship is to provide evidence that can be proof of survival to the recipient, not to predict the future, not to give advice and not to counsel. Animal Mediumship is a means of enabling animals in the spirit world, to communicate with us, thus enabling us to gain an understanding that the spirit of every animal survives physical death.

The spirit of an animal retains their personality, character, mind, memories, emotions, etc just as we knew them during their life on earth. Animals in the spirit world have opportunities to continue to learn and develop similarly to the personal growth experienced during earth life. Mediums cannot call up a particular animal in the spirit world; it is the Spirit who choose to communicate with us.

A medium’s primary purpose is to identify the spirit of the animal who is communicating with them. It is expected that the communicator will provide a combination of personal information and specific pieces of evidence about themselves so that the recipient can identify them.

Shilpi offers a unique and intuitive approach to her sessions, creating an experience where clients don't need to provide any information prior or during the session. The fact that she starts receiving information and messages the moment the session begins, through detailed visions, feelings, and verbal messages, suggests a spontaneous and intuitive connection to the spiritual realm.

The inclusion of names, dates, and specific details in the messages aims to provide clarity and validation to the situations discussed during the session. The aspect of confidentiality in private video readings is reassuring, and the fact that Shilpi often addresses questions that clients may have without them explicitly asking indicates a proactive and insightful approach to the reading. 

Overall, Shilpi offers a personalised and in-depth experience, focusing on bringing clarity and validation to various aspects of the client's life through her mediumistic abilities.

Grief has no timeline and our pets in Heaven are aware of this. They want to help us as early as possible so whenever you feel ready to connect with your pet in Heaven is when you should book a session. 

Connect to your Pets in Heaven - Frequently Asked Questions

1.You choose an available time and date to make the booking. You shall receive a Zoom Link for video call of the session.

2.No details are required from you for a Mediumship Session.

3.On the day of scheduled session, Shilpi Kambo, India's Leading Evidential Medium will start to make connection with the Spirit World and will start to describe to you impressions, words, information that the Spirit shares with her. These are specific pieces of evidence which might include how they looked, to how old they were, their favourite things to do when they were in the physical, their work space, the job they did, the place they stayed, their favourite memories with you, how they crossed over among many others. Remember, the Spirit is unique and the Medium only communicates what the SPIRIT wishes to give and not the other way round. 

4.As a recipient your job is to tell her whether you understand this information or not. YES, NO or MAYBE. Don't prompt any information.

5.The more you start to understand the information from the other  side, the stronger the communication link from the other side would become.

6.Once you have clarity and confirmation on who this Soul is, you can then ask any questions that have been on your mind. 

7.Mediumship session is not a Future Reading Opportunity, and no such questions around the Future are entertained. 

8.As an evidential medium, my intention and endeavour 100 precent would be to make a connection with the Spirit World, but the Spirit World is not controlled by anybody and there might be a possibility of the Soul you want to connect with of not coming forward or even multiple souls coming forward. Embrace all that is given to you!

9.Most importantly, be open and receptive before and during the session. Our loved ones in Spirit are as eager to communicate with us as we are! So think of them with love and they shall come through!

10.Contact with One soul is made in a Session and only ONE person is allowed in a session. The sessions are not recorded and are not allowed to be recorded. If you have more people with you in the session, the energy becomes extremely heavy to hold and the SOUL might not come forward. More than one person in the session disqualifies the session. It is advised that you follow these rules to maximise benefit from the session. 

11.Your energy is the most important in a session.As a client if you only doubt whether or not this works, whether the soul will connect or not, that is the energy that you bring into the session. I am a MEDIUM and not a MAGICIAN. People who come in with that doubt, or expecting specific questions to be answered, or come in with an intention of testing to see how this works are the ones who get disappointed.

12. 1. Make sure to save your chosen appointment details, in case of no show on the scheduled date and time, no refunds or rescheduling is done and will result in loss of fee.


This space of energy is beyond the limitations of our physical world. All our sessions and programs are only offered ONLINE worldwide, except Mediumship Sessions which have an in person option at the studio.

Name of the Pet and their picture is needed for this session. 

Shilpi is a well trained and experienced practitioner for Mediumship. Sessions with her not only help you but also in uplifting the Spirit of those coming forward. 

Shilpi Kambo is an Internationally trained and certified Evidential Medium. A Mediumship Session to connect with your loved ones in Heaven with Shilpi Kambo are 100 percent safe. She is fully trained to handle the energies of the other world and a session with her will only leave you feeling loved and empowered.

1. Make sure to save your chosen appointment details, in case of a no show on the scheduled date and time, no refunds or rescheduling is done and will result in loss of fee.


What people say about us....

"I am falling short of words to thank you shilpi. Today was my first mediumship session which i booked after following you for 7-8months on insta. I was fully sure that ur 100% genuine and not like many others as all your insta posts resonate very well and help us understand abt crossing over. Like you say the soul guides us towards you being the medium i was sure my husband has guided me and all of sudden one day your video popped on my insta. Even til today morning i was getting anxiety and jitters ki pata nahi kaise hoga will my husband connect or wont he. But the moment the session started it was magic. Best thing if anyone wants to judge you that shilpi didnt knw i was looking for my husband nor the details that came out 200% accurate during the session which only me and my son know or me and my hubby knew. This proves the purity and genuinety of Shilpi. Expensive if we may feel Shilpi is so yes but every penny is worth it and i wont mind taking multiple sessions .kudos to your selfless work may god bless you always 🙏"
Ggeetika Sharrda
"Hi , This is Rachna, today I had mediumship session with Shilpi Mam and it was a mesmerising session and it was like a direct blessings from our loved ones. I might not have right words to justify my experience but highly recommended if someone is wanting to connect with their loved one in heaven. Lots of Gratitude."
Rrachna Khhirbat
"I went into the mediumship session with Shilpi Mam with nothing on my mind and just trusting the process . It was the first time for me to explore this magical experience. It slowly unfolded and made me go through a wave of happiness joy and tears meeting and knowing my loved one is there . I had not given Shilpi mam a single detail who I hope to connect . It was impossible for someone to know the details she shared about my loved one…but it were these little details that made me realise it’s real and true.Sometimes trusting the unknown gives you the peace and halt you want I got that with Shilpi mam’s mediumship Session. I am sure going to reach out to her again. I just want to say it’s a process of trust and faith …. It’s a relationship that is born with purity when she connects you to your loved one. Thank you Mam . Love and wish you all the happiness . It’s the least we can pray for in return of the peace you help us get with your effort."
Anuradha M
""I recently had a mediumship session with Shilpi mam, and I must say it was a truly remarkable and emotional experience. Shilpi mam conveyed incredibly detailed messages from my late father, which I had been longing to hear for years. Her ability to connect with the spiritual realm and share these messages was both comforting and healing. Shilpi mam's authenticity and compassion made the session feel safe and nurturing. I'm deeply grateful for the closure and peace I gained from this session. If you're seeking a medium who can provide a genuine connection with your loved ones on the other side, I highly recommend Shilpi mam. Thank you, Shilpi mam, for bringing me the messages I've been waiting for."
Kruti Sharma

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