
Akashic Record Readings - Understanding your Soul’s Journey

Embark on a deep exploration of self-discovery and enlightenment through our Akashic Records Reading service. If you are wrestling with profound questions resonating from the core of your being, this service is tailored to unveil the mysteries inherent in your individual karmic journey. The Akashic Records, commonly known as the cosmic archive of our soul's experiences, serve as the gateway to unraveling the intricate tapestry of your past lives, current situations, and potential future paths. 

At the core of our Akashic Records Reading is the exploration of karmic threads intricately woven through your existence. Do you yearn to understand recurring patterns in your relationships? Are you in search of answers to persistent health challenges? Do you long to make sense of financial struggles that persist despite your efforts?

Through this session you can delve into these complexities, guiding you to uncover the karmic influences that may underlie these aspects of your life.

This service proves particularly beneficial in various areas, offering personalized insights into your unique journey:

  • Relationships: Gain an understanding of the karmic dynamics influencing your relationships, be it with family, friends, romantic partners, or colleagues. Uncover insights into past-life patterns, conflicts, and connections shaping your current interactions.
  • Career and Purpose: Discover your soul's purpose and the lessons intended for your professional journey. Unearth the reasons behind career shifts, challenges, and passions guiding you toward a fulfilling vocation.
  • Health and Well-being: Attain clarity about the roots of persistent health issues or challenges you face. Explore how past experiences and karmic imprints might impact your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
  • Financial Matters: Understand karmic influences behind financial struggles, scarcity mindset, or abundance cycles. Gain insights into the lessons your soul seeks to learn in the realm of material resources.
  • Life Patterns and Cycles: Identify repetitive life patterns and cycles. Uncover karmic reasons for these repetitions and learn strategies to break free from them.
  • Spiritual Growth: Explore your spiritual journey and unveil past-life experiences shaping your current spiritual path. Gain insights into spiritual gifts, challenges, and growth opportunities.
  • Self-Discovery and Personal Growth: Deepen understanding of your core essence. Uncover karmic influences shaping your personality traits, strengths, and areas for personal development.
  • Life Transitions: Navigate major life changes with clarity and ease. Whether it's a move, loss, or new phase, understanding the karmic context can offer profound insights.
  • Inner Conflicts and Challenges: Address internal conflicts, fears, and unresolved emotions. Uncover karmic sources of these challenges and receive guidance on healing and overcoming them.
  • Life Purpose and Direction: Receive insights into your life's purpose and the path meant for you. Discover how your karmic journey aligns with your larger spiritual mission.

It's important to note that an Akashic Records Reading provides personalised insights specific to your questions and soul's journey, and the themes that arise during a reading will be tailored to your unique circumstances.

An Akashic Records Consultation distinguishes itself from psychic readings and astrological consultations geared towards predicting the future. THIS IS NOT A TOOL FOR FUTURE PREDICTION. It serves as a tool for self-development, fostering personal discovery and spiritual evolution. If your goal is to uncover future events, this consultation may not align with your expectations. Instead, it is designed to guide you in understanding your present actions. The focus is on identifying and addressing karmic baggage and spiritual obstacles to pave the way for manifesting the desired life. It is a proactive approach to empower you with the knowledge needed to take meaningful steps in the present.

In your private reading with Akashic Records Reading service, Shilpi will delve into the vibrational imprints of your soul's journey with each query put forth by you. As the records will be accessed and insights are revealed, you will gain a profound understanding of how your past actions and decisions may be influencing your current reality. This heightened awareness empowers you to make enlightened choices that align with the evolution of your soul.

Whether your inquiries pertain to relationships, career, health, or other crucial life areas, this reading acts as a portal to explore the depths of your soul's history and harness the transformative power of karmic insights. There is no Future Reading given in an Akashic Session, nor is this a Mediumship Session. The Akashic Session can only be done for the user making the booking. We cannot access anyone else's records.

Akashic Reading can only be done for adults over 18 years of age.

This space of energy is beyond the limitations of our physical world. All our sessions and programs are only offered ONLINE worldwide, except Mediumship Sessions which have an in person option at the studio.

Your full name and nick name if any is needed to access your records. 

1. Make sure to save your chosen appointment details, in case of no show on the scheduled date and time, no refunds or rescheduling is done and will result in loss of fee.



What people say about us....

"Thank you so much dear Shilpi for the Akashic reading session 🙏🙏I was overwhelmed with the connect and also have got the satisfactory answers to my questions that where haunting me for almost a year. You were really very patient in listening to my life situations, guided me so beautifully and were so kind to also give me prayers to be said for 21days on how can I handle my situations and heal. My heart is filled just with gratitude. May the divine always shower his blessings on you and may you always perform the kind act of helping the souls to heal. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you 🙏🙏🙏"
Garima Singh
"Good Afternoon ma’am Thankyou so much for today’s Akashic reading session. Where do I even start about today’s session. It was my first time having a akashic reading and I am amazed how it had answers to all my problem with xyz people in my life and how you told me about not only this life time with them but numerous past life times too. Thank you ma’am I loved your energy and felt comfortable. I look forward to learn from you in the near future!"
Gargy Ganguly
"Hi Shilpi mam Today I had a Akashic record session with you. You really helped me to understand the reasons of my present life issues, the reason for my reincarnation. You made me understand my karmic debts and how I rise in my karmic level. Each and every detail which you made me understand was all true and pin point correct. Today, I am feeling like I have got the answers which I was searching since very long. Now, I have got the reasons very clearly to focus upon to lead this life in a more responsible and attentive way. Thanks a lot mam for this session. This would definitely help me to rise spiritually. I am really indebted to you. Feeling really fortunate to connect with you ."
Ashwini Pathak
"No words to express my gratitude Shilpiji!! Your Akashic reading was so accurate and it has answered to all my concerns. Now I can relate to the problems which I have been struggling since long. Now I am looking at them with different perspective and quite hopeful that your remedies will make my soul calmer Thank you so much Always grateful ❤️❤️"
Saloni Palwar

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