
My Story...

Growing up in a joint family in India, Shilpi’s early years had multiple surreal experiences which left her curious about the other world. But having no one to help her understand what and why she was experiencing what she was, she silenced her inquisitive mind and tried to belong to her group of peers. She was also successful to a large extent, but not for long.

Life had other plans…..

The sudden death of a very close and loved family member once again brought her face to face with the unknown calling out to her. And this time she knew she had to search for answers on her own, she knew that even though the questions were many, but the answers would come.And this time she knew she had to search for answers on her own, she knew that even though the questions were many, but the answers would come.This time there wasn’t silence on the cards, but the starting of a journey which could no longer be stopped.

The Journey

The journey on one hand took her through some extremely difficult life lessons as a human, testing her will and determination, but on the other hand it also gave her some unbelievable and magical encounters that slowly helped her put the pieces of the puzzle together. She started to understand who she really is and what has she come here for. While the journey was shattering on a human level it was unimaginably fast paced at a soul level. Not only was she being given assistance from her guides, which helped her in her own spiritual development, she was also shown the path to help others. Her connection with the Divine helped her unlock her gifts of being a Spiritual Teacher, a healer, a psychic and most recently that of an Evidential Spirit Medium. 

One of her most difficult life lessons has been that of assisting her Father cross over to the other side, putting aside all her love and emotions as a daughter, and working purely as a divinely guided Medium. 

She has extensively trained in EVIDENTIAL MEDIUMSHIP under various global mentors like James Van Praagh and renowned faculties from the Arthur Findlay College, Stansted.

Shilpi has helped many with her heartfelt emotional Mediumship readings and in bringing stunning pieces of evidences from the Spirit. Her private reading sessions have brought hope, healing and love to those looking to connect with their loved ones on the other side! 

​Turning grief into love, a session with her will leave you changed forever – it will bring forth for you a fresh new perspective on life and death, a stronger connection to the spirit world, and the comforting awareness that you are not alone! 

Her extremely accurate Mediumship readings bring forth strong evidences like names, date and specific memories that the Spirit wants to remind the living of. ​

My Expertise

As a mentor for Mediumship and Automatic Writing or Channeling, she has trained students extensively in connecting to the Higher Realms and help get answers to some of the most difficult questions of their life! She is now extensively also training future Mediums to successfully become ambassadors of the Spirit. 

These one on one programs with Shilpi Kambo has changed their lives forever and her students cannot thank and praise her enough for the way she has touched their lives. She effectively coaches people on how to connect to their spirit guides and identify their life purpose and journey through this program. This helps them in moving ahead with living a truly spiritually sufficient life. Her forte lies in her emotional connection with people from all walks of life and in helping them overcome their life challenges and find their true calling through her various programs.

Being a certified Psychic she brings great value to her clients and has had exceptional feedback on her extremely accurate future reading sessions. She also offers Akashic Record Readings, Channeled and Customised Healing solutions, and Aura and chakra scanning services.  

Being a lightworker and an empath, her only wish is to reach out to as many people as she can with the intention of helping them look within themselves and discover and shine their true light.

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